Friday, October 29, 2004

Germany's Largest Newspaper Endorses Bush

David's Medienkritik, an essential blog for understanding German media, tells us:

Perhaps the largest October surprise in Germany is the BILD newspaper's endorsement of President George W. Bush. BILD, which has the widest circulation of any newspaper in Europe, lists the following 10 reasons why Bush should be re-elected:


1. Bush has clear priorities. He sees the inhuman Islamic fundamentalism and the murderous mullahs as the largest danger for the Western world.

2. Bush has learned the lessons of history. Military strength, not pleasant talk, is the only thing that helps against violent fanatics. And with Bush -- unlike with Kerry -- there is no doubt about this.

This is one of the most succinct, clear rationales for re-electing Bush I have seen. In the same post, Medienkritik also discusses the Kerry endorsement and general anti-Americanism of other German media. Click the link to read the rest.

(Mug tip to Instapundit.)

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